Michael Stringer, “It is not a lack of resources but a lack of political will expressed through public policy that prevents the United States from providing for the poor, the oppressed, the widow, the orphan, the incarcerated and the sick.”

From the November 2, 2022 edition of Voters Speak – Let’s Try Gleaning – Michael Stringer uses the biblical concept of gleaning to illustrate his opinion as regards today’s co-opting of Christianity and the responsibility of the church to speak out.

From his letter – “The concept of gleaning is not to concentrate all the wealth in the hands of a few but distribute it among many. Today, 34% of all the wealth in this country is held in the hands of the 1%. This concentration of wealth has skewed the social dynamic. It has created a permanent class of poor, ill-fed, ill-housed, ill-educated, falsely incarcerated, and underpaid individuals. God never intended to have a permanent class of poor people. The notion of a Sabbath year testifies to this.

Michael Stringer