A new feature of Voters Speak will include past articles, such as this one from Evelyn Uddin-Khan (3/2/22), that remind us that we had reason to speak out as Trump continued his lies in 2022. Take a look at the warning signs of fascism. Are we taking action to keep democracy safe? Are people in power, such as CEOs and moderate Republicans, afraid to get on the wrong side of Trump in case he wins? Does silence lead to fascism and authoritarianism?

From 2022 – “If we the American people believe in Democracy, believe in freedom of speech, believe in liberty and justice for all, then throw in equality and all those good things we enjoy. The time to stop Donald J. Hitler and Trump Mussolini is now. 

America and democracy are up for grabs. Commit to doing something in 2022. We have no time to lose.” – Evelyn Uddin-Khan

What are you doing prior to the 2024 election to make a difference?

Read Uddin-Khan’s entire opinion above.