Common Cause NC recently awarded Mission House with a $25,000 Election Engagement Grant. Catawba and Livingstone Colleges received a $20,000 grant from the Common Cause Education Fund “to make sure that young voters have a great experience, a first time experience and hopefully one that leads to a lifelong experience.”

From the Salisbury Post: The first presentation was made at Mission House, which received funds after an application had been made for an Election Engagement Grant with Common Cause N.C. and a check for $25,000 was presented to Emily Perry and Pastor Anthony Smith.

…During the presentation, Solomón told the pair that “hopefully this $25,000 will make a difference in helping to get out the vote and making sure that everybody has access to the ballot as well. Thank you all so very much. We are excited for the incredible work that is being done.” Perry responded by saying she didn’t think “words could describe how helpful this is to get the word out and encourage people to vote, encourage them to make sure they are registered and to get involved literally on the local level as well as on the national and state levels” as it does affect their everyday lives.

…The second presentation was made at Ketner Hall on the Catawba College campus where leaders from both colleges gathered and a check for $20,000 was presented by Solomón to the group. She told them that the Common Cause Education Fund was “honored and delighted to be able to present this check for $20,000 to both of your amazing institutions so that we can help make sure that young voters have a great experience, a first time experience and hopefully one that leads to a lifelong experience.”

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