“It takes courage to speak out against your party. It takes courage to change your mind about Trump. It isn’t easy, but these voters understand that our democracy is worth saving. Listen to them explain in their own words why they can never support Trump again.” Republican Voters Against Trump

Former Republicans from across the nation are speaking out and explaining why they can no longer vote for Trump to be POTUS again. For those with friends who voted for Trump, some of the testimonials at this site might help you discuss voting your values rather than holding onto a party that no longer exists with the MAGA takeover. https://rvat.org/about-us/

Susan, NC“I am a Republican that has turned to being an independent and I’m from North Carolina. I did vote for former President Trump in 2020. I do not plan on voting for him in 2024. And the reasons are that I believe that he is a narcissistic hypocrite.

Chris, Ohio farmer“Now, I refuse to succumb to the scourge of populism. Its vile hate for our fellow citizens, its hijacking of Christian values is just not what I was raised on, and I won’t tolerate it locally and I sure as hell am not going to tolerate it from a president… I can think for myself and the only way forward as a nation and more importantly, as a people, is to extract the scourge of populism from our midst. And that starts first with the cult leader – I’ll vote Biden in the Fall.”

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