It will take a concerted effort and each one of us to dislodge the Republican majority in the NC General Assembly. Local and state GOP appear in lockstep with Trump as they have yet to speak against the MAGA direction and the new Republican Party movement toward an authoritarian form of government. Step up and support Democratic candidates running to unseat local Republican state legislators.

Think seriously about the current state of political affairs with North Carolina’s current Republican majority in our General Assembly and the resulting loss of veto power by our governor. Our NC Republicans act as a block. Don’t make the mistake of assuming that some of the Republicans you know will actually vote your values once elected rather than vote in lockstep with the MAGA extremists. Work to upset this NC GOP majority, re-gain veto for the governor, and then elect a Democrat for NC Governor.

‘How sad it is that we are shocked when a Republican acts independently. And it was shocking when Ohio GOP Governor DeWine vetoed his fellow Republicans and their extreme legislation bill. Whether he sided with the people because he’s safe in a second term, did the right thing based upon conversations with parents and medical experts, or sees the writing on the wall and realizes how out of step current Republican policy is with the actual beliefs of a majority of voters, DON’T ASSUME that today’s NC Republicans, even those red candidates you know, would consider policy and the people over the call of the MAGA Republican Party.

Candidates need your support now, not later. Protect NC from Republican extremism.

Gov. DeWine upon vetoing a Republican ban on accessing any gender-affirming care for minors: “Ultimately, these tough, tough decisions should not be made by the government. They should not be made by the state of Ohio… They should be made by the people who love these kids the most, and that’s the parents. The parents who have raised that child, the parents who have seen that child go through agony, the parents who worry about that child every single day of their life.”