What changed in 2023 that affects you and your family? What do you want to see change in 2024 on the local, state, and national levels? How are you planning to make a difference as an individual?

In 2022 The Hill made 3 New Year wishes for our nation: Compromise, Fiscal Responsibility, and Kindness. How have we fared as a country as 2023 closes? And can we all do more in 2024 in addition to casting our vote?

https://thehill.com/opinion/campaign/3792703-three-new-year-wishes-for-our-nation/embed/#?secret=i50SWYVTPN – 12/30/22

Consider picking, at a minimum, one issue, one organization, or one candidate to actively support before the primaries in March. This is an important election for preserving democratic principles in 2024. It is a time to step up and not give up hope or action.

Find ideas at www.RowanDemocrats.com or consider contributing to what we do at: https://rowancountydemocrats.com/a-homepage-section/