EducationNC – 11/16/23 – “Public schools matter. They matter for our students. They matter for our state. They matter for our future… They anchor our communities.”

From the article: In many of our rural counties, they are the largest employer and economic engine of the counties they serve. It’s not just the diverse workforce they employ from custodians to superintendents. It’s the purchasing power they invest locally. It’s their commercial kitchens and Friday Night Football.

Within that dynamic, public schools offer an abundance of choice for students and parents: year round, charter, language immersion, single sex, early college, career academies, virtual academies, alternative schools, lab schools, many magnet options, newcomer schools, and more.

And they provide an abundance of support for students, including counselors, nurses, support for the developmentally disabled, support for the hearing and visually challenged, nutrition, and more.

When people talk about low-performing students, we remind them that our public schools serve all students, and they support the whole child.

When people talk about low-performing schools, we talk about schools that need support. 

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