When Facebook asked, What’s on your mind, Pam? I had a very serious answer: – Foreign policy and diplomacy, why the US plays a part, and why we want rational people in the White House who rely on highly educated and experienced people in their field.

I haven’t observed enough conversations taking place about the diplomatic efforts taking place in the Middle East. Instead I see too many of us ignoring the nuanced words and actions of our State Department officials serving under the Biden Administration.

War is ugly. When Hamas attacked Israel I don’t believe anyone who understands history expected anything less than a bloodbath. I also think that those who didn’t grow up watching the news during Vietnam may not have truly understood what seeing a bloodbath on the news really looks like and makes you feel.

My heart aches with every moment of this war and others. Yet war continues.

In times of disaster, Mr. Rodger’s reminder for us to look for the helpers can sometimes give us a moment of peace and a bit of hope. Perhaps during the ugliness and unfairness of war, we should look for the diplomats.

I am grateful for those who are experts at diplomacy. I listen to words being used, for the words avoided, and for the nuance. I heard and appreciated President Biden’s early warning to the Israeli government to not make the same mistakes the United States made after 9/11 as we rushed to defend our country. I also realize we are walking a diplomatic tightrope and have great esteem for our career diplomats.

My hope is that we allow our diplomats the needed time to maneuver among the war mongering and tamp down the flames before we jump to conclusions based upon our limited knowledge of what is viable during a state of war. Waiting for diplomatic action does not mean that my heart doesn’t break with each death and for the plight of the innocent. I also believe hearts are breaking in the State Department as they continue to use their expertise to negotiate the possibility of peace as quickly as possible.

Beau of the Fifth Column is one of many journalists I follow. I recommend his video from 11/5/23 as a startling reminder of the realities of this war in the Middle East. May the glimmers of hope he notes, facts based upon the Biden administration’s diplomatic focus, still be moving forward in a positive way by the time this is published.

Pam Bloom