Readers for Change is a “bookish” club where neighbors gather to discuss an issue facing our community and then take collective action. These events are free and all are welcome to attend.

These community events are hosted by South Main Book Company, 110 S Main St, Salisbury, NC. This month South Main is fortunate to host Dr. Kelly Withers twice this November.

Her first talk, 11/2 at 1pm with our READERS FOR CHANGE group, will introduce us to school financing and the relationship between state, county, and local funding streams.

You can also join Superintendent Withers again on November 17 at 1pm for a deeper dive into North Carolina’s accountability model (i.e. student testing and school “report cards”). The “ABCs Accountability Model” is North Carolina’s school improvement plan to “reorganize public schools around three goals: strong Accountability, an emphasis on the Basics and high educational standards, and providing schools and school districts with as much local Control over their work as possible” (NCDPI).