Why Sunday? It has only been in the last few years that folks in Rowan County can choose to vote on Sundays and if we don’t use it during 2023, it may not be an option in the 2024 General Elections.
Why Sundays? Many people don’t work on Sundays. You can take your kids. You can offer family and friends rides to vote. Traditionally, Sunday voting or Souls To the Polls has been a voting tradition in the Black Community for over 60 years. It’s finally available in Rowan County again. Let’s revive this treasured voting tradition and celebrate the right to vote on Sunday as a community.
Our one Sunday on the Early Voting calendar was a decision made by our Rowan County Board of Elections and it was a decision made jointly by both Democrats and Republicans on our local board for the 2023 election for local municipal offices. Let’s demonstrate the importance of Sunday voting in Rowan County this year. Next year for the Presidential Election, our Elections Board will again vote on what days to add to the state legislature mandated calendar and will be certain to look at 2023 voting numbers for Sunday.
NOTE: Only one Sunday is available for voting. That date is Oct. 22 from 1:00 – 5:00 pm. Early Voting begins on Thursday, October 19 and ends on Saturday, November 4. Election Day is Tuesday, November 7. See the calendar for all dates and times and visit https://rowancountydemocrats.com/election/ for everything you need to know to vote during Early Voting or on Election Day 2023.