“…legislators now have the ability to curate whatever narrative they would like through public documents. They can’t be compelled to release public records of their activities that would have otherwise been subject to disclosure.” Brooks Fuller, WFAE interview, 9/22/23

WFAE reports after the budget passes. https://www.wfae.org/politics/2023-09-22/north-carolina-legislators-could-keep-their-own-records-secret-under-new-state-law

Associated Press reports on what has now become NC Public Records law. The details are shocking.

“Republican state lawmakers in North Carolina are attempting to exempt themselves from public records laws meant to safeguard transparency with a budget provision allowing them to keep any legislative document private — even after they leave office.

Tucked into the 625-page state budget that legislators have begun voting on fewer than 24 hours after its release is a section that First Amendment experts say would enable the General Assembly to conduct much of the public’s work in secret.

Current and former state legislators would no longer be required to reveal any document, drafting request or information request they make or receive while in office. They would also have broad discretion to determine whether a record should be made public, archived, destroyed or sold.”


Voters Speak