Lawmakers made expansion contingent on the state budget passing, which still has not occurred… Brooks would qualify for health coverage once Medicaid expansion begins. …due to the delay in enacting the budget, the earliest Medicaid expansion would take effect is Dec. 1.” 

Anthony Brooks is among the people who are losing his coverage at the end of this month. He found out earlier this year he makes too much money to qualify – $7 to be exact. 

However, once Medicaid expansion takes effect he would get that coverage back. 

The issue for him is that he doesn’t have much time to wait. He said a valve in his heart is only pumping about 20% of the blood that it should. Doctors have told him he needs surgery to address the issue. But, the treatments could cost close to $200,000, he said.  

“It’s almost like a death sentence,” he said. “I’m not gonna make it. I feel like I’m walking dead. My number’s gonna be coming soon. I’m really stressed.”