Senate Bill 749 is a blatant power grab by partisan legislators, a bill that would make harmful changes to elections administration and jeopardize basic voting options in NC.

Make the contact. If not you, who? Common Cause makes it easy for voters to contact their representatives & provides the facts you need:

“As most North Carolinians were kicking off the long Labor Day weekend, politicians in Raleigh were hard at work to upend our state’s elections. Late Friday afternoon, the NC House unveiled plans to ram through Senate Bill 749, a bill that would make harmful changes to elections administration and jeopardize basic voting options. This bad bill will likely soon come up for votes in the North Carolina Legislature.

The fact is, the people of North Carolina already rejected a past attempt by the legislature to make sweeping changes to the State Board of Elections, soundly defeating a proposed amendment in 2018 by a vote of 61%–38%. Lawmakers should respect the will of North Carolina voters and stop meddling with our elections boards.

We need your voice! If you agree that North Carolina voters — NOT extremist politicians — should decide how our elections are run, contact your lawmakers NOW and demand they oppose Senate Bill 749.”