Rowan Democrats and like minded friends gathered in Granite Quarry on 8/12/23 for an afternoon of food, conversation, and reminders from local and state candidates that good policies and substantive actions win elections. And importantly, listening to voters.
Eleven local candidates for the 2023 Municipal Elections spoke to the packed crowd. A common theme was to serve and work together with other elected officials on their various city and town councils and boards for the betterment of all residents. Those speaking included: Jason C. Higgins, China Grove; Alicia Johns, Cleveland; Mayor Barbara Mallett, East Spencer; Laurie Mack, Granite Quarry; Jayne Williams, Kannapolis; Shanikka Loretta Gadson-Harris, Salisbury; Mayor Pro-Tem Tamara Sheffield, Salisbury; Anthony Smith, Salisbury; Patti Seacrest, Spencer; Patricia (Pat) Webb Sledge, Spencer; Mayor Jonathan Williams, Spencer.
Four state candidates for 2024, Ben Clark for NC Lt. Gov.; Wesley Harris for NC State Treasurer; Judge Allison Riggs for NC Court of Appeals; and Braxton Winston for NC Commissioner of Labor, were enthusiastically received as Democrats gear up to make gains in the upcoming general election. All shared their view of how they can make a real difference in NC.

Top, left to right: Jayne Williams, Kannapolis; Jason C. Higgins, China Grove; Alicia Johns, Cleveland
Middle, left to right: Patricia (Pat) Webb Sledge, Spencer; Patti Seacrest, Spencer; Laurie Mack, Granite Quarry
Bottom, left to right: Anthony Smith, Salisbury; Shanikka Loretta Gadson-Harris, Salisbury ; Mayor Pro-Tem Tamara Sheffield, Salisbury
Top: Rowan County Democratic Party Family Fun Fest, August 12, 2023
Middle, left to right: Mayor Jonathan Williams, Spencer; Mayor Barbara Mallett, East Spencer; Braxton Winston – NC Commissioner of Labor
Bottom, left to right: Ben Clark – NC Lt. Gov; Judge Allison Riggs – NC Court of Appeals; Wesley Harris – NC State Treasurer