Are you registered to vote? Have you recently moved to NC or inside NC? Have you not voted in the last eight years?

Make certain you’re registered. That’s Step #1 for your voice/your vote. Then share this information with friends and family to make sure they’re registered.

This year’s 2023 municipal elections and the 2024 general elections are so important and it will take us all to Get Out the Vote successfully! This will also be the first year that Voter ID will be required to vote. Voters Speak and RCDP will update what constitutes a valid NC Voter ID when all final details are released by the State Board of Elections. Current information can be found at

Check your voter registration status by entering your information into the Voter Search, also known as the “voter lookup.”

You will need to submit your first and last name. 

To narrow your search results, you can add more information, such as your year of birth or county, but that is optional. 

If you haven’t voted in over 8 years in North Carolina, you may have been automatically removed from the voter registration rolls, and you will need to re-register.

If you need to register to vote or update your address in your voter file, you can do so by two ways in NC:

  1. Online or in person at the DMV
  1. By Mail

The voter registration deadline is October 13, 2023, for general elections taking place on November 7, 2023. (After October 14, 2023, only same-day registration during one-stop early voting is available.) 

After you register or update your voter registration, you will receive a voter information card in the mail verifying your registration status. If you do not receive one within two weeks, please contact the Rowan County Board of Elections at 704-216-8140 or [email protected]