Eileen Hanson-Kelly – “In Rowan County, many people are struggling with medical debt, untreated illnesses, forgoing mental health and/or substance use treatment. Medicaid expansion would be a huge win for rural North Carolina, where currently more than 20% of residents lack health insurance.” 

Expanding Medicaid is an urgent, lifesaving policy that can’t wait.   

The NC House just passed HB 76 that would have a transformative impact on our state, expanding access to affordable healthcare to more than 600,000 of our neighbors, while bringing an estimated $3.2 billion to our state. Now it is up to the Senate to do its job.  

We have a moral responsibility to expand Medicaid and save lives.  

In Rowan County, many people are struggling with medical debt, untreated illnesses, forgoing mental health and/or substance use treatment. Medicaid expansion would be a huge win for rural North Carolina, where currently more than 20% of residents lack health insurance.  

The General Assembly has the power to save lives and boost our state’s economy at the same time. This is a no-brainer — pass Medicaid Expansion!  — 

Eileen Hanson-Kelly