Reminders and information you may have missed that concern Rowan County Democrats and small “d” values in Rowan County. 

  • New State Dem Leadership – Last Saturday delegates from all over North Carolina elected a new slate of top officers for the NC State Democratic Party. The new state chair is 25 year old political activist Anderson Clayton of Person county. You can see her “campaign” speech on the RCDP YouTube channel at from our January breakfast. (Don’t forget to like our videos and subscribe to the channel) Our thanks to those who have served NC Dems in the past and best wishes to the newly elected leaders!
  • Our Call to Get Involved – NOW is the time to gather at the neighborhood and area levels in our county (precincts) to prepare to ELECT DEMOCRATS!  We can’t wait til 2024! Elections. WE need to prepare, organize, and strategize for the local elections this November. Contact me for details of how YOU can make a difference! 704-603-8029, 704-431-3073 or [email protected].
  • Livingstone President Speaks at Breakfast – Everyone at the monthly breakfast learned a great deal about Livingstone College and their new president, Dr. Anthony Davis. He is an inspiring leader who came from a life in foster care to become the 13th president of his alma mater. The video of his talk will be on the RCDP YouTube next week. (Don’t forget to like our videos and subscribe to the channel
  • Livingstone Facts – 
    • The college budget fuels our local economy with 49 million dollars.
    • There are 800 students, many of whom are “high risk”. 
    • 58% of the students are from North Carolina. 
    • Their new science building is equipped with the latest high tech equipment.
  • Attorney General Josh Stein visits Salisbury – Josh Stein met with local authorities to discuss how Rowan County will use the 15 million dollars they will receive because of the lawsuit he, along with other Attorneys General, won against Big Pharma regarding opioids. He also met with local donors to raise funds for his campaign for NC Governor in 2024!
  • Senior Dems – The next meeting for Senior Dems is Tuesday, February 21 at 1 pm at the office 1504 W. Innes. Discussion on Social Security, Medicare, Debt Ceiling, etc, and How it All Works!. 

Geoffrey Hoy