Voters Speak – Consider adding concrete actions to your 2023 resolutions. This week you will find two specific ideas under a new feature,  “Small “d” Action Items.” 

  • Sunday, January 22, 2023 – 12:00 PM – Bigger Than Roe – Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Landmark Decision Supporting Women’s Rights. Meet at Rowan County Government Administrative Offices
    • Given unpredictable weather, but wanting to mark the occasion, we will gather at noon with candles (bring your own or take one provided). We will not march. We will pass the flame around a circle, and those who wish to speak when receiving the flame may do so. We will then blow out our candles to honor this important anniversary marking continuing progress towards women having autonomy over their bodies and their choices. Please register on the Women’s March site to ensure the national movement has an accurate headcount when reporting on the day’s events across the country. –
  • Postcards for Medicaid Expansion  – Sign up now!
    • Join a Valentine postcard campaign to send messages urging our lawmakers to “Love thy Neighbor” by expanding Medicaid. There is no cost to participate. When you sign up, we’ll send you a packet of pre-addressed, pre-stamped postcards and sample messages urging leaders and members of the N.C. General Assembly to act in the spirit of neighborly love and expand Medicaid. 
    • The postcard campaign will build up to a “Love Thy Neighbor” Valentine’s Day advocacy event at the N.C. General Assembly on February 14, 2023, which we invite you to participate in! There will also be a special Action Hour event to call legislators the week before on February 7, 2023.
    • If you’d like to participate in any of these events or know others who would, please fill out and/or share the sign-up form:

Small “d” Action Items