Pat Safrit Bullard – “Don’t miss an opportunity to write postcards to encourage our NC Legislature to expand Medicaid. NC is more purple than many realize. Keep pushing! “

I have just written another letter to President Biden and he often responds.

In my former life I was a registered lobbyist as an advocate for issues concerning women, children, social justice, social welfare. I saw first hand that our elected officials and others respond by hearing from many with the correct information. Often they would tell me, yes, I heard that from……. back home or I got so many postcards on that. Be sure of your facts and cite them. You can find any contact information by simply putting in the name for internet search. In the case of the White House, contact White House and it will ask the person you want to contact and provide a spot for your information.

The USA continues to face a very difficult time to save our fragile democratic republic. Speak out often and loudly, in any and all ways you find available, continually, not just before an election.

I urge all to actively participate on the local, state, and national levels. Don’t miss an opportunity to write postcards to encourage our NC Legislature to expand Medicaid. NC is more purple than many realize. Keep pushing! 

Details about Valentines Postcards for Medicaid Expansion: 

  • Join a Valentine postcard campaign to send messages urging our lawmakers to “Love thy Neighbor” by expanding Medicaid. There is no cost to participate. When you sign up, we’ll send you a packet of pre-addressed, pre-stamped postcards and sample messages urging leaders and members of the N.C. General Assembly to act in the spirit of neighborly love and expand Medicaid. 
  • The postcard campaign will build up to a “Love Thy Neighbor” Valentine’s Day advocacy event at the N.C. General Assembly on February 14, 2023, which we invite you to participate in! There will also be a special Action Hour event to call legislators the week before on February 7, 2023.
  • If you’d like to participate in any of these events or know others who would, please fill out and/or share the sign-up form:

Pat Safrit Bullard