Pam Bloom, “As Voters Speak goes on hiatus…  I am grateful for webmaster Sam Post, for our readers, for the writers and artists, and for all of you who helped in so many ways to make Voters Speak a reality.”

In January 2022, the Rowan County Democratic Party accepted webmaster Sam Post’s idea to host a regular publication, Voters Speak, to counter much of the recurring disinformation and misinformation from the far right. Local voices brought commentary to raise awareness of local, state, and national politics and served as a reminder that small “d” democratic values were alive in Rowan County.

As editor, I want to thank all who have made this a successful forum of thought, action, and shared values  in our community.  Since January 2022, Voters Speak has published at least 220 submissions that have included opinion, commentary, poems, video, and visual images.  

As Voters Speak goes on hiatus for the remainder of 2022, I want to thank Sam for publishing my final drafts to the website and sending out the digest to our email subscribers.

As the end of the year approaches, I am grateful for Sam, for our readers, for the writers and artists, and for all of you who helped in so many ways to make Voters Speak a reality. 

Pam Bloom