In 2020, Cheri Beasley lost the NC Supreme Chief Justice Seat by 401 votes statewide. – In 2021, only 14 votes separated Salisbury’s mayoral race. – RCDP Chair Hoy often reminds us, “in 2016 Gov. Cooper won by 10,277 votes statewide. Rowan votes for Cooper in 2016 were 21,631.”  WE MATTER IN ROWAN COUNTY!

Sign up to be a Poll Greeter at:


Every hour we have Poll Greeters at the election polls, Democrats are closer to victory. 

Poll Greeters work OUTSIDE the polls and are the welcoming face of the democratic values and ideals of today’s Democratic Party. Greeters are volunteers for the local Democratic party and are not paid elections workers.

Greeters hand out sheets (often called slate cards) that include those candidates endorsed by the RCDP for the 2022 election and encourage voters to vote the entire ballot. Too often, voters neglect important judicial offices and local candidates because of limited or lack of knowledge.

How to take action to become a Poll Greeter:

We’re using SignUp, an online SignUp and reminder tool, to organize our volunteers. Here’s how it works:

  1. Click this link to see our SignUp on SignUp:
  2. Review the options listed and choose the spot(s) you like.
  3. Sign up! It’s Easy – you will NOT need to register an account or keep a password on SignUp.
  4. This sign up link is for Early Voting, 9/20-11/5. Signup link for Election Day, 11/8, will be a separate and will be available at a later date. 
  5. We need bodies to win races and we encourage you to sign up for multiple shifts on multiple days or multiple shifts on the same day. Most shifts are for around 2 hours; Please sign up for as many shifts and days as you can. Your presence helps Democrats win races.  
  6. Each shift has spots for two volunteers so you can coordinate with a friend if you wish to work together. 
  7. Share this link with anyone you think would be willing to help to take action to help save democracy in 2022.   

*Note: SignUp does not share your email address with anyone. If you prefer not to use your email address, please contact us at [email protected] and we can sign you up manually.

Thank you for finding time in your life to help preserve our democratic republic form of government as established by the Constitution of the United States. 

Sincerely, Beth Foreman & Pam Bloom, 2022 Poll Greeter Organizers for RCDP 

Poll Greeters