Moore vs. Harper, a NC case, is headed to the United States Supreme Court.   Tuesday’s meeting was an opportunity to discuss the issue “with the idea that having a legislature with no checks on voter legislation is not good for anyone.” 

The People Over Politics Tour was in Salisbury on Sept. 27th. Learn more about a NC case that could change the face of voting. From the Salisbury Post:

  • “I don’t think it’s just about us, though,” said Bob Foreman, who came with his wife, Beth. “It’s our children and grandchildren who would end up living in a world where you can’t speak, you can’t read books, because politicians are telling you that you can’t. That’s not a life.”
  • “During the meeting it was pointed out that a conference of state chief justices have written to SCOTUS saying they do not support the legislators’ efforts to remove all checks and balances from legislation on voting. It would remove a governor’s ability to veto any legislation on voting, and it would remove the state court’s authority to overturn legislation. In essence, the legislature would then be free to pass any laws regarding voting that they deemed fit, including elimination of early voting, instituting voter ID laws that North Carolina has so far avoided, increasing restrictions on or eliminating mail in voting — and the list goes on.”

Additional information may also be found at: Common Cause North Carolina is a nonpartisan grassroots organization dedicated to upholding the core values of American democracy. We work to create open, honest and accountable government that serves the public interest; promote equal rights, opportunity and representation for all; and empower all people to make their voices heard in the political process.

Voters Speak