“… we have a divided country, but doing nothing only divides us more. Immigrants come to our shores to find a better life, and our immigration system needs repair. I have today written to Pres. Biden and Vice President Harris and challenged them to take the bull by the horns on immigration reform. Yes. It matters… We must continue to challenge obstructive Republicans and fight for the US democratic republic.” Pat Safrit Bullard

Here it comes again, the border crisis. Republicans are going to use the border crisis and explode it as the big issue it is in the midterm election. This latest scheme of sending immigrants from the border to Democratic cities and states has really got me scheming. We saw how traitor trump used the issue with his border wall, and they continue to use it and abuse it.

The truth of the matter is that immigration must be tackled and reformed. A sticky issue and no one wants to tackle it. I only knew it was in need of reform, so I researched the issue. The original Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 is the basis, with reforms in 1990 and ’96, and some touching up maybe.

President Biden had introduced in this Congress on Feb. 18, 2021 the US Citizenship Act, H.R. 1177. in the US House. Has anything happened to it since then? Yes, we have a divided country, but doing nothing only divides us more. Immigrants come to our shores to find a better life, and our immigration system needs repair.

I have today written to Pres. Biden and Vice President Harris and challenged them to take the bull by the horns on immigration reform. Yes. It matters.  I have received replies from the President on more than one occasion. My last battle was for student loan debt forgiveness. This might help to set Republicans back on their heels again.

You can write a personal letter, or on the internet  search for ‘contact the President’  and a form will come up and you can complete this for both the President and Vice President and others. We can always contact our elected officials, but NC is not well represented.   

At any rate, watch for any and every opportunity to wave the banner for Democrats accomplishments and Republican shortcomings. We are gaining ground……

I hope you will join me in this battle. We must continue to challenge obstructive Republicans and fight for the US democratic republic.

Pat Safrit Bullard