Moms for Liberty sounds wholesome on the surface with their talk of parental rights. Dig a bit deeper and you find ties to far right groups… The American Renewal Project is intent upon replacing democracy in the United States with theocratic rule…  Mark your calendars for the upcoming documentary, Michael Flynn’s Holy War.” – Pam Bloom  

It is exhausting to keep up with everything going on in the news nationally and then realize how many radical initiatives have ties to politics in NC, possibly in a locale near you or with candidates on your ballot in the midterms. Educate yourself with Information to be aware of as you evaluate candidates and their affiliation with Moms for Liberty, the American Renewal Project, and Michael Flynn’s Christian nationalism. Be prepared to talk to your family and friends about how the ideology of these groups are leading us away from small “d” democracy. 

Moms for Liberty sounds wholesome on the surface with their talk of parental rights. Dig a bit deeper and you find ties to far right groups. Rowan County is not listed, however the national group map of local NC chapters include Stanly, Cabarrus, Iredell, Mecklenburg, Alexander, and Union Counties. Learn more about why Moms for Liberty should be on your radar: 

I’m not quite sure how I got on the mailing list for the American Renewal Project; it’s been a real eye opener. The American Renewal Project is intent upon replacing democracy in the United States with theocratic rule. If you still believe in the separation of church and state and abhor the rise of Christian nationalism, you need to understand the goals of this group that is actively organizing far right ministers as political candidates. Our NC Lt. Gov. is currently the keynote speaker for a series of luncheons across the state to actively recruit ministers as political candidates. I have an acquaintance who attended out of curiosity and he said there were 150 in attendance with 8 more events planned this fall as they recruit for 2024. They already have 25 folks who made it through the primaries and will be on the 2022 ballot… just in NC. This is part of their message: It is the sworn duty of every born-again Christian now to oppose transgenderism, abortion, and wickedness in the United States [ … for we clearly are at war].

And then there is Trump pardoned Michael Flynn. Mark your calendars for the upcoming documentary “Michael Flynn’s Holy War,” premiering Oct. 18 on PBS and online. From the AP – “The retired lieutenant general, former national security adviser, onetime anti-terrorism fighter, is now focused on his next task: building a movement centered on Christian nationalist ideas, where Christianity is at the center of American life and institutions.” I see this organized initiative as a move toward a theocratic form of government, a Christian Nationalist United States, that abandons democracy, true Christian beliefs, and personal freedoms. 

Education is power. Don’t allow the existence of these groups to discourage you and keep you from envisioning and working for a future with sensible citizens and responsible politicians standing on the side of democracy. The knowledge to take from this is to do more than sit and fret and succumb to exhaustion or despair at the threat of a proposed theocracy or autocracy from Christian Nationalists, MAGA, and other radical Republicans. 

Support candidates that don’t embrace a move away from democracy. Decide what you can do to save democracy in addition to casting your vote in 2022. Talk to friends and family. Small acts or large, together we make a difference – yes, even in Rowan County. 

Pam Everhardt Bloom