Pastor Anthony Smith – “Fascists (even semi-fascists) are banking on people to become numb, indifferent or asleep to their growing antidemocratic power over local, state and federal institutions.”

Fascists (even semi-fascists) are banking on people to become numb, indifferent or asleep to their growing antidemocratic power over local, state and federal institutions. 

Now is not the time to turn your eyes away from what is clearly happening in America right now. 

Keep your eyes on the ball. This upcoming election in October-November will be a watershed moment in American democracy. 

From school board to county commissioner to state senate to US senate. This upcoming election will have a long term impact. And threatens to be such a negative and harmful shift that it may take a generation (or two) to repair the damage that could be done if the fascists are given unchecked political power. 

Wake up, pay attention. Register to vote. Vote. Educate yourself. Read books, magazines, listen to podcasts. 

Become a non-violent steward of democracy in your own backyard.

Pastor Anthony Smith