Pam Everhardt Bloom: How Do We Get You to Read This Post?

Thanks for your curiosity.  

At the Democratic Fun Fest, there was a call for volunteer help for the midterm election. My good friend, Beth Foreman, pointed her finger at me from across the table and mouthed, “You need to do this and I’ll help.” So here we are; a retired teacher and retired social worker who believe that nothing happens without education and organization and in electing candidates, volunteers. 

Mark your calendars for the midterms and seriously consider the importance of doing something other than casting a vote. One of the things that the local Rowan County Democratic Party does that makes a real difference for people who are voting is to be at the polls and hand out slate cards, or what many of us call “blue cards,” a list of the candidates the RCDP endorses. 

I’ve handed out slate cards, admittedly with great trepidation when I first volunteered. In all honesty, I was shocked at how much I enjoyed it. Many people vote and many that vote need the reassurance from the local party endorsement about candidates they may not be familiar with, such as judges, etc. Of all the things I’ve volunteered for, I saw how this made a real difference for many voters. 

REMEMBER – even if you feel that Rowan is so red that we can’t make a difference, each of our votes count. As RCDP Chair Hoy often reminds us, “in 2016 Cooper won by 10,277 votes statewide. Rowan votes for Cooper in 2016 were 21,631. We Matter!!!!!!!” 

Watch for more information with additional details and information about how to sign up in the weeks to come. Be like Beth, point your finger, make a call, and recruit a friend to join you in saving democracy in 2022. 

Early Voting begins on October 20th and ends November 5th. Election Day is November 8th.  

Pam Everhardt Bloom