Eva Jackson Knight – “Rowan County is having a Midterm Election this fall. Your vote could easily decide our representatives for very important local offices in Rowan County as well as on the state and national level… When we vote in every election, we can make our voices heard because every vote counts.’ 

Rowan County is having a Midterm Election this fall. Your vote could easily decide our representatives for very important local offices in Rowan County as well as on the state and national level. We can help choose our candidates, if we participate in the upcoming election. When we vote in every election, we can make our voices heard because every vote counts. Remember, Al Heggins, former Mayor of Salisbury, North Carolina, lost by fourteen votes last year.

We need to decide WHY it’s important for each of US to vote in the first place. For example, the first time I voted, I was eighteen years old and had just enrolled in a community college. The candidates during that election year were running for mayor, city council and borough president and held a community forum. I asked them if they supported community colleges. I explained that I had just enrolled and learned the school was in jeopardy of closing due to fiscal financial issues. Each candidate said that they supported community colleges. But, what surprised me was when a number of the candidates stated that they had attended a community college, and they would make sure that funds were allocated in the next fiscal budget to keep the community college from closing.

I voted for each Democrat and I assume that the majority of the other people in my community voted for them too, because they all won their seats. I am happy to tell you that my community college is still operating forty-six years later. The best part was the candidates listened to my personal story, and they worked together to keep the community college from closing. This enabled me to continue my education, and this changed MY life!

I challenge you to ask yourself, WHY is it important to vote? Keep in mind that each of us has a different reason: health care, salary, buying a home, change in the justice system, homeless, starting a business, LGBTQ rights, civil rights, human rights, voting rights, women rights, education, or that darn pot hole on your street.

When you vote for the Democratic Party, you are supporting concerns for the little people. Did you know that Democrats put more programs in place to assist with poverty stricken communities. Remember, positive progress is slow. Having Democrats in legislative offices makes it happen.

Let’s all go and vote for what we are concerned about in the upcoming 2022 midterm elections and every other election.

Don’t get mad and give up, Get mad, get even, JUST GO AND VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Eva Jackson Knight