Pat Safrit Bullard sends a thank you to local Dems and a reminder of what we can, and must, accomplish in Rowan County and for our nation.

I so wish I could attend the local Dem Picnic, to meet and greet all of you good people. Approaching 85, I cannot. It is very very important that you rouse up Dems and bring lots more people into the fold to vote this Fall. There are so many signs of authoritarian anti-democracy swirling around and I fear those groups, if they win, will topple the US fragile democracy. They are putting in place, in too many red states, people and mechanisms to control elections and even overturn them.

My recent letters to the Editor have not been printed in the Post. But I have been pleased by the many postings by you and supporters of US democracy. I am watching closely and will write again with the right opportunity. Keep up your good work.

I grew up in China Grove before graduating from Lenoir Rhyne College and moving on with my husband to the Raleigh-Durham area. I have worked in and with both the state, local and Federal government. We must continue to work hard to save our democracy and freedoms.

Pat Safrit Bullard