Evelyn Uddin Khan – “Let’s begin to vote for candidates who care about health care, elder care, Pre-K and day-care for our little ones, education for all our children, housing that would end slum living. You get the picture? This is the richest country in the world, why can’t we have the basic necessities of life?”

There is a crisis that spells death to democracy in the US of A which we must begin to take seriously or face life in hell on earth.

No, I am not being melodramatic. The Republicans have been playing this game for years and they are fully cognizant of my meaning, and their crimes of past years.

Here is a quote from “Mother Jones Magazine” that I found which is quite to the point:

“Is the GOP rigging elections with voter purges? In swing states with razor-thin elections,

tens of thousands of would-be Democratic voters are finding themselves unable to cast a ballot. That’s no accident. There’s been a decade-long push by Republican officials to remove Democratic constituencies and people of color from registration lists. From 2016 to 2018, 17 million Americans – 8% of the electorate – were taken off the voting rolls.”

So, all people of America – Democrats, Republicans, Independents – if you really care about life, liberty, justice, freedom, and the privilege of going to the polls and casting your votes, then it is time for all of us to wake up and restore the power and the integrity of the polls before we have no polls left!

The GOP has us exactly where they want us. They keep screaming pro-life / pro-gun which is their distraction while they are busy gerrymandering, redrawing lines, redistricting to secure a houseful of scavengers in Congress.

Ask yourselves people: What have the Republicans in Congress done for you in the last twenty years? It’s power and money for them and they are sitting in Congress (power) and laughing all the way to the bank (money).

People of the United States: Democrats, Republicans and Independents, in two years, 2016 to 2018, we have lost 17 million voters. That is no accident, but the calm, deliberate and cunning work of an evil force in our country. That evil force is called the Grand Old Party – or Republicans.

Democrats and Independents, let’s get past the pro-life / pro-gun distraction which is the only, the singular care that the Republicans have going for them. Take those away from them and what do they have left? Next stop their massacre on education? Yes! And education is going to be the distraction while they chip away at our rights to vote.

Let’s start working on the voters who are disenfranchised, who are scratched off voters’ lists, who are poor and dark-skinned, and cannot fight for their democratic rights to vote. Let’s get them back to the polling places!

Let’s begin to vote for candidates who care about health care, elder care, Pre-K and day-care for our little ones, education for all our children, housing that would end slum living. You get the picture? This is the richest country in the world, why can’t we have the basic necessities of life?

Please note people of the US of A: We can’t blame the power hungry and greedy Republicans for our dilemma. If we want a better life, we have to fight for it. We have to STOP THEM. We have to get out there and VOTE! Change won’t happen with wishful thinking. We must make it happen. Our votes will change our lives.

The Republicans are leading us to a one-party state – that is communism. They are suppressing the votes – that is illegal. They already have the Supreme Court in their pockets ready, willing and waiting to overturn any election result that the GOP does not agree with. We have to put our sweat, blood and souls in this fight to save democracy, to save our country.

Please rise up to the challenge! Our country is not a one-party state. We must keep it FREE!

Evelyn Uddin-Khan