Rowan County native and USAF veteran Brent Safrit comments – “We are already paying for everyone’s Healthcare! At the least efficient and highest possible cost. This is a cleverly designed method to transfer YOUR wealth upwards.”

Conservatives: I don’t wanna pay my hard earned dollars to give everyone health insurance!!

Let’s take a closer look:

Hospitals are required at the minimum, to provide stabilizing care to anyone, regardless of their ability to pay. Who covers that cost? Some of it they write off which reduces their profit which in turn decreases their tax bill. The rest they pass along as increased fees for services for those able to pay.

Who pays the increased fees? Consumers and insurance companies.

What do insurance companies do? They increase their rates and pass those along to consumers and businesses.

What happens when companies have to pay increased rates for insurance? You guessed it. Your co-pays and co-insurance go up.

We are already paying for everyone’s Healthcare! At the least efficient and highest possible cost. This is a cleverly designed method to transfer YOUR wealth upwards.

But hey, freedoms!

Brent Safrit