Governor Roy Cooper comments about the lieutenant governor after his comments following recent shootings, “This is dangerous and not who we are as patriotic North Carolinians…” Evelyn Uddin-Khan has more to add, “Think before you act Mr. Robinson – if you are capable of thinking for yourself.”  

Lt. Gov. Robinson: You surely realize that you are a living disgrace to your people, to your race, to your ancestors.

The NRA, the gun lobby, paid for your seat in the Lt. Gov. Office. How can you run around gleefully selling guns when a White man shot 10 of your people in Buffalo just because they were Black. Don’t you have any feelings for your own people?

How about those 19 sinless babies murdered in Uvalde, not knowing why guns took their lives, never having the chance to grow up and laugh and dance and hug their siblings and their mums and dads?

Do you have any children? Are you capable of putting your selfish self in the shoes of those parents who lost their kids and feel their pain, their grief, their heart break?

Think before you act Mr. Robinson – if you are capable of thinking for yourself. If you are not, then get out of public office. We need people we can trust in the Lieutenant  Governor’s Office. Not a spinless, mindless gun toting jellyfish.

Evelyn Uddin-Khan