It’s a slippery slope when politicians are more concerned about power grabs and their radical base rather than listening to the voice of the majority of Americans. “Will you at least try to understand what is really happening to our country?” Kathy Vestal asks the question of 2022. 

We have allowed mass shootings to become our culture. This is not normal and is happening only in the U.S. 

We have a problem: a gun problem, a racism problem, an anti-women problem, an anti-LGBT problem, an anti-education problem, a billionaire problem, a child trafficking problem – and they are all the same problem: White Fascist Terrorism, grabbing for Power and Control. They are attempting to take control of all our important systems and institutions, including the Republican Party, and we are the ones who have to wake up and vote these militant extremists out of their powerful positions.

Look into 9 year old Eliana “Ellie” Garcia’s eyes. Can you look for 10 seconds without crying? Will you at least try to understand what is really happening to our country?

Kathy Vestal