We are currently at a place in our nation when women need to unite for their rights as full citizens. “What is new in the here and now is the fact that Republican women are silent. By being silent they are consenting to the destruction of women’s rights, and giving the pseudo religious fanatics control over the rights that protect women.” Evelyn Uddin-Khan

It is an unbelievable “truth” that Republican women – wives, mothers, daughters, granddaughters, friends, neighbors, et al – have never had an abortion.

Republican men are standing on high holy shifting sand singing their dogmas and their women seem absent from the choir.Hypocrisy in politics is nothing new. Controlling women in all aspects of daily life is nothing new. Using religion for gaining  ower is nothing new.

What is new in the here and now is the fact that Republican women are silent. By being silent they are consenting to the  estruction of women’s rights, and giving the pseudo religious fanatics control over the rights that protect women.Why are they silent? Have no conservative, religious Republican women ever had an abortion?

I am not sure where in the Scriptures abortion laws are spelt out. I am not an expert on God’s laws. However, I do know that if a teen in my family became pregnant by rape or incest what I would do.

Republican women need to take a stand and speak out for their own rights. They should ask themselves, “If we lose this fight, what next? Our right to an education? To work? To vote?”

Republic women should ask Amy Coney Barrett if she would like to return to her kitchen, put on an apron, cook, clean and mind the babies.

If Republican men continue on their present course that is where girls of the future are heading!Republican women, all women, are the key to women’s future in this country. Wake up now!

Evelyn Uddin-Khan