Alissa Redmond is correct. If we want to see change, “Lawmakers should hear this on the regular until they comply.” Contact your state legislature. Our representatives in Raleigh need to hear from all their constituents, not just the Republican ones that are content to continue underfunding public education. The Raleigh News & Observer reported Senate Leader Phil Berger will address Cooper’s budget proposal in the short session which begins May 18th. Raise your voices. Do it for our children and for our economy. 

The state of North Carolina has so much money sitting in the bank, earmarked to fund our underfunded school systems (to include Smart Start). We must press our elected officials to support the courts’ decisions on Leandro over the last 20+ years, and get that money to our kids now. After years of educational neglect due to the pandemic, our youngest generation needs so much to catch up to where we, as a society, will need them. We have got to pay this forward already. Lawmakers should hear this on the regular until they comply. 

Governor Cooper’s budget would fully fund the third year of the Leandro comprehensive remedial plan as well as other investments in education for NC children, staff, families, and communities.

Alissa Redmond