Mackenzie Reedybacon, Secretary of the Young Democrats of Rowan- Cabarrus, makes a statement about the leaked SCOTUS opinion draft after attending the Rally in Defense of Roe v. Wade at the Rowan County Courthouse on May 2, 2022. 

Whether or not the leaked SCOTUS Opinion becomes final, overturning Roe v. Wade will not stop abortions from happening. It will only stop SAFE abortions from happening. Access to a safe abortion is a human right. We need to do all that we can to codify Roe v. Wade to ensure people can continue to access healthcare and make informed healthcare decisions.

The rage in me is screaming that I have a right to decide what happens to my body. Our rights to body autonomy shouldn’t be on the chopping block every SCOTUS decision.

Mackenzie Reedybacon