The Rev. Anthony Smith has been a proponent of bringing the Cure Violence model to Salisbury since 2015. As a member of Salisbury City Council, he was instrumental in bringing seven Greensboro residents who work with the Gate City Coalition to share details about their Cure Violence model to council and the public on 3/15/22. Cure Violence and Cease Fire initiatives are often cited as ways to reduce crime. Anthony explains why this can be a “both,” not an “either/or” decision.

As I’ve said before: I support the Cease Fire initiative that is a partnership between the Salisbury-Rowan NAACP and the Salisbury Police Department. I’m glad they’re in a relaunch phase for their work to reduce violence in our community. 

I also believe we need multiple strategies to address gun violence in our community. I’m a strong proponent of the Cure Violence model. I have been a proponent of this model in this community since 2015. It is a different strategy than the Cease Fire initiative. And different can be good. Everybody has a role to play.

Those of us who believe there is more than one solution to reducing crime in Salisbury will continue to work to Bring Cure Violence To Salisbury. I hope our community can see the wisdom in having multiple strategies to address violence. We can all benefit from “Unity in the Community,” a Cease Fire slogan from June of 2021.

If you want to learn more about how to get involved with Cease Fire check here:

To learn more about the model I’m championing in the community, Cure Violence, checkout the presentation by myself and Ingram Bell of the Gate City Coalition in Greensboro: (fast forward to 3:43:00 to see the presentation on Cure Violence-
Rev. Anthony Smith