Crime. It’s a touchy subject and an important one. Salisbury City Council has an up-coming presentation about the C.U.R.E. Violence model on 3/15/22. Salisbury Cease Fire, a current initiative, hosted an informational meeting on 3/9/22 for potential canvassers. Both models identify violence as a public health issue, yet have significant differences. In light of recent gun violence, Pam Bloom asks, “Do we have the courage to gather for action… or have we already forgotten?”

I often find unexpected revelations in books. My granddaughter and I recently read “The Secret Keepers” by a favorite author, Trenton Lee Smith. It was not what I expected. I even called and asked her if I really needed to finish this particular book. Her answer, “Nana, you need to finish it. You’ll be glad you did.”

She was right. When evil seemed poised to triumph over right, answers came through the boldness of a very unheroic character. “Help! …A child is in danger! You must help me, all of you!” With this truth, the adults in the town sprang into action.

In my non-fiction world, our community was recently rocked by gun violence at the Sam Moir Christmas Classic basketball tournament, a local tradition that brings folks of all ages and all areas of our Rowan County together. In the aftermath, I read various accounts that included words that often follow tragedy; sincere concern, evasive language, pointed fingers, and calls for innovative ideas. One particular comment spoke directly to my grief over such a senseless tragedy. A Facebook post by local pastor, community leader and Salisbury City Council member Anthony Smith asked the question, “Kasserian Ingera?”

When life is good, this traditional greeting of the Masai culture, “and how are the children?” is normally followed with a reassuring response from a Masai warrior, “All the children are well.”

Life is currently less than good in Rowan County. I definitely believe that our children are a reflection of the well-being of our society.

How are our children? Do we have the courage to gather for action with this recent call for help or have we already forgotten?

Pam Everhardt Bloom