The Rowan County Democratic Party proudly and enthusiastically endorses and supports our fellow Democrats listed below who are running for local town and city councils here in Rowan County. These candidates have shown through their years of tireless work in our communities advocating for our shared community values their commitment to forwarding progressive causes locally, including: 

  • Quality, public education for all children;
  • Safe and affordable housing;
  • Sustainable economic development;
  • Livable wages;
  • Quality, accessible healthcare for everyone; and 
  • The preservation and protection of our environment and atmosphere;
  • Protection of Voter rights;
  • Fair election districts;
  • Responsible, transparent government; and
  • Economic and social equality.

China Grove Town Council
Arthur L. Heggins
East Spencer Mayor
Barbara Mallett
East Spencer Aldermen
Dwayne Holmes
Shawn Rush
Albert Smith II
Kannapolis City Council
Jeanne Dixon
Salisbury Mayor
Al Heggins
Salisbury City Council
Tamara Sheffield
Anthony Smith
Spencer Mayor
Jonathon D.Williams    
Spencer Aldermen
Steve Miller
Patricia “Patti” Secreast
Pat Sledge