Dear Friends,

The COVID-19 vaccine is the vital ingredient in the recipe for our country’s progress.

It’s bigger than any individual. It’s a community effort. Getting a shot is a patriotic act.

At this point, the vaccine is available for all Americans age 16 and over.

That’s a lot of people. It’s a massive effort — and you can be a soldier in this effort.

The Rowan County Health Department needs volunteers to sign up and work shifts at the West End Plaza on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

Each vaccine impacts not only the person being vaccinated, but each person he or she lives with, works with, or comes in contact with. Just as the vaccine spread was exponential, the vaccine impact is also exponential. 

We’ve worked hard learning how to minimize exposure with social distancing, mask wearing, and closures of indoor public spaces. This is the opportunity to move in the opposite direction and give people the freedom to be with each other again.

Various shifts are available each day. Volunteers are needed now.

Sign up here.

Thank you for your incredible generosity, making a huge difference for many people you will never even know.

Geoffrey Hoy, Rowan County Chair